BendixKing KHF 990 User Manual
Page 186
Amount of time the call is transmitted. This
must be set longer than the maximum time it
takes for any called radio to go through its
scan list.
Enable/Disable system and ALE parameters.
Auto Sound
Automatic Sounding.
LQA in call
Exchange LQA
(Link Quality Analysis).
Message Rx
Display and save received AMD messages.
AnyCall Rx
Respond to a call using the “AnyCall”
AllCall Rx
Respond to a call using the “AllCall” format.
Wild Card
Respond to a call using the “Wild Card”
Roll Over
Numeric digit rollover. This parameter per-
forms two functions: When enabled and
changes are made to one digit of the
frequency field, it will barrow/carry from the
next higher digit.
For other numeric fields, when roll over is
enabled, the maximum value will rollover
from maximum to minimum or from
minimum to maximum.
Programming Operation Parameters
From the system program page select “Operation” on the bottom
Press the ENT key. One of the operation sub-pages is now dis
Select the Intervals sub-page by moving cursor over to sub page.
4. Move the cursor to the last field on the second line. This is the
interval field. The units for the interval are displayed to the right
of the interval value.
5. Change the interval if it is not correct.
6. Press the ENT key. This stores any change and displays the
KHF 950/990 Pilots Guide
Rev. 0