BendixKing KHF 990 User Manual
Page 11

KHF 950/990 Pilots Guide
Rev. 0
High frequency radio opens a world of communication possibilities to
the pilot and his passengers, including long range contact with air
traffic control agencies over thousands of miles away, time and fre-
quency standard broadcasts, Omega navigation station status
reports, weather and marine storm warnings, radiotelephone service
for personal messages and ARINC operational control services for
messages relating to flying operations.
The first section of this pilot’s guide deals with high frequency com-
munications in general. A basic understanding of single sideband and
some of the conditions which influence HF communications is impor-
tant to using the KHF 950/990 effectively and obtaining the maximum
benefit from its extensive capabilities.
The second section details the actual operation of the KHF 950/990
system and the final section of this pilot’s guide covers the wide vari-
ety of HF communications services which are available to the pilot
using the Bendix/King KHF 950/990.