Aircraft registration – BendixKing KHF 990 User Manual
Page 126

To register your aircraft for AT&T High Seas Service call 1-800-752-
0279, or you may register by placing a High Seas call, passing the
billing information to the High Seas traffic operator, and requesting to
be registered.
NOTE: All communications with public correspondence stations must
be done with the KCU 951 Control Display Unit in the upper side-
band (USB) mode of operation. The MODE selector of the KFS 594
Control Display Unit must be in the TEL (A3J) position if using a pre-
programmed ITU channel, or in USB if using a user-programmed
channel. The channel type on the KCU 1051 display must be set for
chITU if using a pre-programmed ITU channel, or the modulation
type must be USB if using a user-programmed channel.
When using the KCU 951 Control Display Unit, select a channel you
have already programmed, or program the paired receive and trans-
mit frequencies for the channel you want to use. When using the
KCU 1051 Control Display Unit or KFS 594 Control Display Unit, sim-
ply recall the appropriate ITU channel number from the ITU channels
stored in the electronic memory or the user channel number if using a
user channel that has been programmed with an ITU semi-duplex
frequency. Using the KCU 951 Control Display Unit, the aircraft
receive frequency should be monitored. Using the KCU 1051 Control
Display Unit or KFS 594 KCU Control Display Unit, both the receive
and transmit frequencies may be monitored. Press the SCAN Key on
the KCU 1051 to monitor the transmit frequency. Press the STO Key
on the KFS 594 to monitor the transmit frequency.
Next, listen; don’t call until transmissions in progress have been com-
pleted. Calls to a ground station can be placed at any time. In the
event that frequencies to a desired station are busy, your call can be
placed through another coast station on its assigned channels.
The typical call should begin with the station you are calling and the
channel you are calling on. The call should include your aircraft’s
identification and approximate location.
Example: “...KMI Channel Eight Two Two, KMI Channel Eight Two
Two, KMI Channel Eight Two Two, this is aircraft N999XY, off Kodak
Island, Alaska, Over.”
KHF 950/990 Pilots Guide
Rev. 0