Manipulating data from the table, Screen – Vernier LabQuest 2 User Manual
Page 27

Pivot Data
– This tool is only available in Data Matrix mode. It transposes the
rows (usually graphed as the x-axis and representing the sampling site) with the
runs (usually selected by tapping on the button to the left of the Filing Cabinet
and representing the sampling day). This allows field data to be viewed as the
location changes, or pivoted and viewed as the day changes.
Draw Prediction
– The Draw Prediction tool is a free-hand sketch tool for drawing on the
Graph screen. This can be used for a variety of purposes, but is most often used to sketch
a prediction of how a graph will appear once data are subsequently collected.
Choose Draw Prediction from the Analyze
menu. Then, tap and drag across the screen for
smooth curves, or tap the screen to connect
subsequent taps with straight-line segments. The
Reset button removes your sketch if you need to
start over. Tap OK to place your sketch on the
main graph. To remove a prediction, choose
Draw Prediction again from the Analyze menu.
Motion Match
– The Motion Match menu item is
only available if a Motion Detector is connected.
Choose between a new Position or Velocity
match. In each case, LabQuest generates a
random target graph for the matching exercise.
Only the selected graph, Position or Velocity, is
shown. You may collect data over the target
graph as many times as you like using the
Collect button. To see a new target graph,
choose New Position Match or New Velocity
Match. Remove Match removes the target graph.
Tip: For additional information on using Motion Detectors with LabQuest, see
Adjusting the Table View
In addition to viewing and manipulating data from the
Graph screen, you can also access data from the Table
screen. There are several shortcuts on this screen.
Alternatively, you can also access the fields by
choosing Data Column Options from the Table menu.
• Tap Run 1 in the name field to rename the run.
• Tap a column header (Time, Position, etc.) to
change the column name, units, or displayed
Manipulating Data from the Table Screen
The Table menu allows you to create, modify, or delete
columns of data. The following tools are available from
the Analyze menu: