Vernier LabQuest 2 User Manual
Page 24

Collecting multiple runs
Store Run
– You can collect several runs for comparison. Choose Store Run from the
Graph menu to save the current run and proceed with data collection. As a shortcut, tap
the File Cabinet
To collect another run, tap Collect. Your new run is displayed on the graph. To see your
first run, tap the Run 2 button to the left of the Filing Cabinet, and select either Run 1 or
All Runs. In this way, you can gather multiple
runs for comparison, and view just the ones you
Striking and Tagging Data from the Graph Screen
To strike or tag data from the graph screen, tap on the data point or tap and drag to select a
region of data. Then, choose the desired tool from the Graph menu and the action will be applied
to the data.
Strike Through Data and Restore Data
– Use these tools to ignore/restore selected data.
Struck data are ignored for analysis and graphing, and the graph will update accordingly.
To restore all data, tap the Graph menu and choose Restore Data.
Tag Data
– Use this tool to tag a data point with a comment. After selecting the point and
tapping Tag Data, a large mark (e.g., a circle or square) will be displayed on the graph to
tag the data. To add a comment, tap in the panel to the right of the graph and enter a
comment into the blank field.
Analyzing Data from the Graph Screen
The Analyze menu on the Graph Screen gives you
access to additional tools such as tangent lines,
integrals, statistics, and curve fits. To apply one of these
tools, choose the desired tool from the Analyze menu. If
prompted, select the desired column.
Upon enabling an analysis tool, a summary of analysis
information is displayed in a panel to the right of the
graph. Scroll arrows will appear, if needed. You can tap
the summary to display the values on a detail dialog for
ease of reading.
The following analysis tools are available from the
Analyze menu.
– The Tangent mode enhances the
Examine cursor by adding a tangent line and
numeric display of the slope as you tap different
locations on the graph.