Recording, Livefeed, Recording 32 – Rane TTM 57SL Manual for Serato Scratch Live 2.44 User Manual
Page 32: Livefeed 32

Scratch Live allows you to record one of
six stereo signals from the TTM 57SL:
• Main Mix
• AUX BUS (sum of MIC, AUX, FlexFX
• PGM 1 (a) Pre-Fader
• PGM 1 (a) Post -Fader
• PGM 2 (b) Pre-Fader
• PGM 2 (b) Post -Fader
Stereo recording is possible even while
using two stereo vinyl control inputs.
1. Click on the
triangle for the drop
menu displaying the three record Input
2. Select the desired source and press the
red record icon to start recording.
3. The record icon flashes while recording
and the display shows the elapsed
recording time.
4. Press the record icon again to stop the
5. To save the recording, type in a name
for the recording and click the save icon.
6. The recording is automatically placed
in a crate named “RECORDED”. If the
crate does not already exist, it will be
created automatically.
7. To start a new recording without saving,
simply click the record button again.
Recordings can be loaded onto the
Decks, renamed, and managed like other
files. Recordings are saved as 16-bit, 44.1
kHz stereo AIFF files.
Recordings are saved in “My
Documents\My Music\_Serato_\
Recording” in Windows XP, “Libraries\
Music\_Serato_\Recording” in Windows 7,
and “~/Music/_Serato_/Recording Temp”
on a Mac.
Record Gain Knob
Adjust the record level using this knob.
The meter tells you the level of your audio.
Ideally the meter should sit just below the
red, meaning your signal is as loud as it
can be without clipping.
NOTE: If you turn the record gain
knob down and the red clip led is still
illuminated, this means the signal is
clipping the input of the TTM 57SL. Turn
down the mixer’s GAIN control.
• The keyboard shortcut ctrl-n turns
recording on and off.
• You can load a recording without saving
it using the short cut keys shift + left
arrow to Virtual Deck 1 or shift + right
arrow to Virtual Deck 2.
Recording directly with the TTM 57SL
soft controls is possible using the Record
Group and an optional footswitch.
NOTE: Recordings over 3 hours are
automatically split into individual files.
LiveFeed allows you to stream any of the
standard record sources (mix, aux, a pre,
a post, b pre, b post) to a Virtual Deck.
You can then instantly play the recording
back just like a normal audio file - you can
scratch it, speed it up, slow it down, set
loops and set cue points.
There are two recording options,
Normal and Gated. The Normal option
means recording will begin as soon as
the normal Livefeed track is loaded to the
Virtual Deck. The Gated option means that
after a Gated Livefeed track is loaded,
recording only begins once the set gate
level is exceeded (thus avoiding periods
of silence). You can set the gate level
by clicking the dropdown menu in the
LiveFeed filename. A lower gain setting
makes the gate more sensitive.
The amount of time available to record
is determined by your audio cache setting.
The track overview display shows the
amount of usable audio you have to play
with from the recording. Click anywhere
in the track overview display to jump to
your desired position in the recording.
“Audio Cache” on page 37.
Locate the LiveFeed files in your library.
Type “livefeed” into the search box to see:
LiveFeed - Rane TTM 57SL Record Source
LiveFeed - Rane TTM 57SL Record Source
Load the desired LiveFeed file to either
Deck. The waveforms will start to build
in the track overview and main waveform
display as the input is recorded, you
can now use the recording as normal.
Performing a needle drop on the record
brings the playhead back to the “now”
position in the audio stream.