Manual-24 – Rane SR 2 User Manual
Page 24

Input Suggest
Suggests new main level and second level. Resets the command state to No Operation.
If Auto Level is enabled, the main level is updated and indicated by the LED only if
the device’s main level has not changed by someone turning the encoder. Otherwise,
if Auto Level is disabled, the main level is updated and indicated by the LED regard-
less of encoder input.
If Auto Second Level is enabled, the second level is updated and indicated by the
flashing LED only if the device’s second level has not changed by someone pushing in
and turning the encoder. Otherwise, if Auto Second Level is disabled, the second level
is updated regardless of encoder input.
Send: IS,n1,n2
Where: n1 is the suggested new main level. The main level
range is [0, 31]. If n1 is zero, the main level remains
n2 is the suggested new second level. The second level
range is [0, 31]. If n2 is zero, the second level remains
Example: IS,3,5 suggests a new main level of 3 and a new second
Response: n1,n2,"OK"
Where: n1 is the current main level. The main level range
is [1, 31].
n2 is the current second level. The second level range
is [1, 31].
Example: 3,5,"OK" means that the current main level is 3
and the current second level is 5. This means the
suggested main level and second level were updated.
A response of 10,5,"OK" means the current main level
is 10 and was last changed by someone turning the
encoder and the current second level was updated to 5.