Manual-21 – Rane SR 2 User Manual
Page 21
Configuration Commands
Get Firmware, Hardware Version
Send: V
Response: n1,n2,"OK"
Where: n1 is a two digit ASCII encoded decimal value
representation of the firmware version. The first digit
is the major firmware version and the second digit is
the minor firmware version.
n2 is a one digit ASCII encoded decimal value
representation of the hardware version.
Example: 13,2,"OK" means firmware version 1.3, hardware
Read/Write Device's Name
The device’s name is limited to 32 characters and is stored in non-volatile memory.
The default name is SR 2.
To read the device’s name:
Send: N
Response: "ccc","OK"
Where: ccc is the device’s name.
Example: "SR 2","OK" means the device’s name is SR 2.
To write a new name to the device:
Send: N,"ccc"
Where: ccc is the new name.
Example: N,"Conference Room 101" will rename the device to
Response: "OK"
Read/Write Stored Parameter
Various configuration parameters are stored in non-volatile memory. This command
reads and writes these parameters. For details of each parameter, see the Stored
Parameter List
section following the Command Set section.
To read a stored parameter value:
Send: SPL,n1
Where: n1 is the stored parameter index.
Example: SPL, 1 indexes the first parameter in the list which is
the Auto Level parameter.
Response: n1,"OK"
Where: n1 is the value of the indexed parameter.
Example: 1,"OK" means that Auto Level is enabled.