Adult smokers help sheet – Welch Allyn CP 150 spirometry option - User Manual User Manual

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Adult smokers help sheet


What Your Lung Function Results Mean For Adult Smokers

You have just performed Spirometry, the basic test of how well your lungs are working. The results indicate whether you

have developed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to smoking. COPD occurs in about one of every five

smokers after more than 20 years of smoking. COPD slowly “eats away” at the lung's reserves. Affected smokers are

often unaware of lung disease until more than half of their lung function has been lost. Spirometry testing can detect

COPD many years before symptoms occur.

___ Your test result was within the normal range. You do not appear to be developing COPD. However, as a smoker, you

remain at high risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, and/or lung cancer. Call the number at the bottom of this page

for help with smoking cessation.

___ Your test result shows mild airways obstruction, suggesting that you are a “susceptible smoker” who already

shows signs of early COPD. You are unable to blow out air as quickly as normal (your FEV1/FVC is low). If you continue

smoking, you will eventually develop disabling lung disease (in about 10-20 years). If you are able to successfully quit

smoking sometime soon, your lung function may return to normal levels and you will probably never develop symptoms

of COPD. Call the number at the bottom of this page if you would like information about local resources to help you quit


___ Your test result shows moderate-to-severe airways obstruction. You have COPD. If you continue smoking, your lung

disease will certainly get worse and you will eventually become short of breath while walking, climbing stairs, or doing

other exercise. It is very important that you seek help to stop smoking. If you are able to successfully quit smoking

sometime soon, you will probably regain a little lung function within three months, and the abnormally rapid decline in

your lung function which you have experienced due to smoking will be stopped. Call the number at the bottom of this

page for information about local resources to help you quit smoking.

Your result: ____________________ FEV1 % predicted

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CP 150 spirometry option