Positioning the, Eartip – Welch Allyn TM286 Auto Tymp - User Manual User Manual
Page 25

Directions for Use
Figure 11. Positioning the eartip
Move any hair away from the ear and pull up and back on the pinna (pull downward
and back on the pinna of a young child.) This will straighten out the ear canal and
enable better results. Keep the pinna in this position throughout the test sequence.
Make sure that the green lamp on the probe is blinking.
Position the probe up against the entrance of the ear canal, applying a gentle pressure
to maintain a tight seal (See
Figure 12. Positioning the probe
Watch the probe lamp. As soon as a good seal is obtained, the blinking green lamp
will change to a steady glow and remain steady while the test is in progress.
When the test sequence is over, all lamps on the probe will turn off and the test result
can be viewed on the instrument display before printing. It is now appropriate to
remove the probe from the ear canal.
Green lamp: Blinking - seal has not been obtained to initiate the test sequence.
Orange lamp: The ear canal is not properly sealed and a large pressure leak exists.
Yellow lamp: The probe tip is occluded with cerumen or the tip of the probe against
the ear canal wall causing an occlusion.
It is best to remove the probe, examine the tip for cerumen and clean it if necessary. A
change of eartip size may also be appropriate. Start the test again.
The green lamp blinking again, signifying that another test can be started. The
probe lamps will display status of the evaluation: