3 setting the transmitter address, 4 setting the receiver address, 1 resetting the 4260 rf remote receiver – Rice Lake MSI-4260 Port-A-Weigh User Manual

Page 47: Resetting the 4260 rf remote receiver

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RF Remote Control Option 43

6.3 Setting the Transmitter Address





The MSI RF Remote Control Transmitter

allows the selection of one of 16,777,216



) unique addresses. All transmitters

are supplied set to the same address. To

avoid contention with other units or to

create unique relationships, the address

should be changed. This is accomplished

by using a paper clip or probe to press the

CREATE button on the board through the

hole in the back of the case.

1. Press the button and a LED will light

up in the MODE_IND window,

indicating that the address is being

c r e a t e d . T h e a d d r e s s w i l l b e

randomized for as long as the button

is held down.

2. Release the button and the

randomized address will be saved

and the LED will begin flashing to

indicate that the Control Permissions may now be set.

3. Press all the buttons one by one that the transmitter will have the authority to

access. Press the CREATE button with the paper clip again or wait 17 seconds

for it to time out. The address and Control Permissions are now set.

6.4 Setting the Receiver Address

Once the transmitter is setup, you must now program the corresponding MSI-4260 to

match. The steps are:

1. Program the


key to “LEARN” (See Section 4.2). You can also remove

the battery from the MSI-4260. Then the “LEARN” mode will start when the

battery is plugged back in.

2. Start LEARN by pressing the


key on the 4260 front panel (or plug in the

MSI-4260 battery).

3. Press each key on the Transmitter that you plan to use. During the “LEARN”

process the ACK annunciator will blink. You must complete all button pushes

before it times out in 17 seconds.

Any MSI-4260 can learn up to 7 different remotes. However, never program multiple
MSI-4260s to the same remote since they will all respond at the same time if they are

in range.


Resetting the 4260 RF Remote Receiver

1. Program the Func1 USER key to be Learn.

1. Press



1. Press



1. Reprogram the MSI-4260 using the “Setting the Receiver Address” procedure.