5 trucks, 6 user admin, Trucks – Rice Lake CRS-Certificate Retrieval System User Manual

Page 9: User admin

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Certificate Retrieval System User’s Guide - CRS Administration




Test trucks are added to the system to support the
truck scale module, but can also be used by the
industrial module to group test weights.

Figure 2-10. Test Truck Information Page

To add a test truck to the system,

1. Select Trucks under Admin on the navigation


2. Click the Add Truck button.

3. Enter a description for the truck, and if you

are using the truck scale module, enter default
weight drops for high-capacity scales.

If the truck being entered is only to be used
for industrial scales, the test weight can be left

4. When finished click the Save Truck button.

Once the truck has been added to the system, weight
kits and individual weights can be assigned to the

Figure 2-11. Add a Test Truck Page

There is no traceability assigned to the truck. The
NIST traceability is still handled by individual
weights and kits. By assigning a weight to a truck, you
are providing a way to find the weight more easily on
the PDA. Motorized test carts should be added to the
system as a single weight.


User Admin

An administrative user is one who has privileged
access to the system and is used for all backend
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . Yo u w i l l n e e d a t l e a s t o n e
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e u s e r f o r b a c k e n d / f r o n t - e n d

To add or edit administrative users,

1. Select User Admin under Admin on the

navigation bar.

2. Click the Add User button.

3. Enter user name and password.

NOTE: To increase the protection of your account, it
is recommended to use strong passwords when
accessing CRS.

A strong password is a password that is at
least eight characters long and uses characters
from three of the four following groups:

Lowercase letters

Uppercase letters

Numbers (1,2,3)

Symbols (@,$,&)

4. Enter contact information.

5. When finished click the Save User button.

Figure 2-12. Add New Admin User Form

If you are updating a user,

1. Select the user and point and click the Edit


2. Change information as needed

3. When finished click the Update User button.