0 using pocketcrs, 1 pocketcrs screens, 1 startup screen – Rice Lake CRS-Certificate Retrieval System User Manual

Page 21: 2 scale or device list screen, 3 shift test screen, 4 test data screen, Startup screen, Scale or device list screen, Shift test screen, Test data screen

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Certificate Retrieval System User’s Guide - Using PocketCRS



Using PocketCRS

P o c k e t C R S i s t h e P D A a p p l i c a t i o n u s e d b y
technicians to record calibration data while the
procedure is performed. PocketCRS is designed to
allow the technician to collect all data required by an
ISO certificate and store it on the PDA until it can be
connected to a computer to upload using CRS-Link.

When PocketCRS is started, a drop-down box listing
all customers installed on the PDA is available. When
a customer is selected, the scale inventory for that
customer is displayed.

To begin calibrating scales or devices,

1. Select a scale or device from the list

2. Click the New Test button.

The View Scale or Device button is used to
show properties for the selected item.


PocketCRS Screens


Startup Screen

This screen is displayed when PocketCRS is first
started. To begin using PocketCRS, you must select a
company from the dropdown box at the top of the
screen. Only the companies you have loaded onto the
PDA are displayed in the dropdown box.


Scale or Device List Screen

Once a company is selected from the company list, all
the scales located at the company are listed. The list
can be sorted by clicking on any of the column
headers. Click a column header a second time to
reverse the sort order.

The scale list is used to select a scale to calibrate.

1. Click the Scale ID to highlight a scale.

2. Click the New Test or View Scale button.

The New Test button is used to perform a calibration,
and the View Scale button is used to display scale

Figure 6-1. Scale List Screen


Shift Test Screen

This screen is the first step of the calibration process.
On this screen, select the results of the shift test:

Pass: All corners or regions were within

Fail: At least one corner was out of tolerance
and could not be adjusted

Adjust: At least one corner was adjusted
during the shift test

N/A: The shift test is not applicable to this

When the desired result is selected, click Next to

Figure 6-2. Shift Test Screen


Test Data Screen

The Test Data screen is used to record weight drop
results for the preload and final tests. The target
weight is displayed on the left, and the actual reading
is entered on the right. If the scale reading is a
non-numerical (error) value, click the Erro r

The keypad at the bottom is used to enter readings and
values must be entered within the scale's division in
order for the PDA to accept the entry.

When the correct value has been entered for the
weight drop, click Next. Each weight drop is
displayed until all weights have been entered.

Figure 6-3. Test Data Screen