6 customer data, 1 the scale list, 2 customer user management – Rice Lake CRS-Certificate Retrieval System User Manual

Page 17: 7 batch printing, 1 selecting a company, 2 printing certificates, The scale list, Customer user management, Selecting a company, Printing certificates

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Certificate Retrieval System User’s Guide - Front-End Administration



Customer Data


The Scale List

Within the Customer list it is easy to view the list of
scales for the company. Simply click the company
name and the scales list will be displayed. From this
view it is possible to edit a variety of company
specific information. The dropdown box list of your
company names is used to switch to other companies
without having to return to the customer list.

To modify a scale in the list,

1. Select the scale ID and point and click the

Edit hyperlink.

2. Click the Add Cert button to add a cert for

the scale.

Clicking on the Scale ID will display the Scale or
Device Details
page. The details page displays all the
data related to the scale or device as well as a list of all
certificates stored in the system for the scale. Clicking
on the edit hyperlink allows you to modify the
existing cert, or the delete button will enable you to
remove the cert permanently from the system.


Customer User Management

To create a new customer user,

1. Select a company to add/edit users.

2. Click on menu and select Users from the

popup menu.

The users page appears.

3. Click the New User button.

The Edit user screen appears.

4. Complete form. Items marked with an * are


5. Set the status to Enabled.

The status determines if the user will be able
to login. If you wish to temporarily suspend
service to a customer, rather than delete the
user, you can disable their account. When you
wish to re-enable their access you can do so
without having to create a new user.

6. When finished click the Save button.

NOTE: For administrative or other users you will need to
use the back-end administration.

Test the new user by logging in as the user you just
created. If the new user can log in successfully
through the front-end and can view the correct
company's information, then it is configured correctly.

It may be necessary to modify existing users if
mistakes are made or as information changes.
Fortunately, editing users and adding users is done
through the exact same interface.

To edit a user,

1. Select the user’s name and point and click the

Edit hyperlink.

2. Complete form.

3. When finished click the Save button.

If it is not necessary to change the user's password,
leave the two password fields blank and the current
password will remain unchanged. If you change the
username or password of a user it is best to test the
user by logging in as that user to ensure the user has
the proper access to the system.


Batch Printing

Batch printing allows you to print a batch of certs.
This is only done for a selected company for a specific
date range.


Selecting a Company

To select the company and certs you wish to include in
your print, select the company from the customer
dropdown list and the date range of certs you wish to
print. Then click the View List button. This will
display the certs to be printed.


Printing Certificates

To print certificates,

1. Click the Print Certs button.

This will display a new browser window with
the certs you selected.

2. Go to the File menu on this browser window

and select Print.

Your printer should print the view as seen. It
may be necessary to adjust the page setup
options to get the certs to print properly one to
a page.

To print a block of certs, click the page numbers that
are listed to the right of the view list button. Each page
number represents a block of 50 certificates. Click a
page number to open a new browser window listing
the block of certs in a print-ready format. Use your
browser's print button to create the hardcopies.

NOTE: There may be delays with this process. Do not
click print again or the back button in your browser.