0 frequently asked questions, 2 how do i edit certificates, 3 what are the compatible pocket pc devices – Rice Lake CRS-Certificate Retrieval System User Manual

Page 24: 4 how do i view an added manufacturer, 5 how do i show only enabled weights on the pda

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Certificate Retrieval System User’s Guide


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the certificate history
functionality changes?

The certificate information page will only
display the most recent certificate version.

The version column is removed from the
Certificate Information page.

Generate New PDF is available again on the
certificate information page.

A History hyperlink is available when logged
in as an administrative user. Clicking this link
will bring the user to the history page:

History page displays all historical
certificates including the current version.

Certificates can be viewed, no edits.

Only the most current version of the
certificate information can be edited.

Clicking the Delete hyperlink deletes the
c u r r e n t c e r t i f i c a t e d a t a f r o m t h e
crs_Certificate table. In addition, all of the
c e r t i f i c a t e h i s t o r y r e c o r d s i n t h e
crs_CertificateHistory table will be marked as
deleted. They are not deleted from the table,
just marked as deleted.


How do I edit certificates?

There are two types of changes:

Calibration Data

Background Data

Calibration data is anything that could be entered on a

To change calibration data,

1. Click Edit

2. Edit respective data.

3. Click Save.

To change background data (NIST info, etc),

1. Select All Certs under PDA on the navigation


2. Select the certificate and point and click the

Generate New PDF hyperlink.

3. Click the Refresh button in the browser.

4. Click the View Certificate hyperlink to view


Past revisions can be viewed by clicking History

NOTE: Customers can only view current certificate. Only
the dealer will have access to the history link.


What are the compatible Pocket PC

PocketCRS will only run on Windows Mobile
devices. PocketCRS has been tested on devices
running Windows Mobile 5, 6.1 and 6.5. Specific
PDA models haven’t been tested so there may be
brand or model specific issues that haven’t been
reported to us.

Even if your PDA has Wi-Fi capability you cannot
upload the scales directly from the PDA to the server.
Currently you need to connect to ActiveSync /
CRS-Link to upload certs.

NOTE: Windows Mobile Device Center must be used for
synchronizing your PDA if your computer is running
Windows 7.


How do I view an added

The dealer must first add it as a scale component.
Device components need to be added to the system
prior to setting up customer scales.

1. Select Device Components under Admin on

the navigation bar.

2. Click the Add Device Component button.

3. Select Manufacturer from drop down list.

4. Enter Model number.

5. When finished click the Save Component


Once they add the scale component, it will always be
available when adding a scale.


How do I show only enabled
weights on the PDA?

If you disable your weights, you need to generate
PDA files. If you do not, they will still be sent to your

To generate PDA files,

1. Select PDA Processing under PDA on the

navigation bar.

2. Point and click the Generate Files hyperlink.

Once the process is complete, you will be taken to the
PDA processing screen where incoming cert data is
viewed. At this point, the data is read y to be
downloaded by CRS-Link without the disabled