0 crs administration, 1 common administration features, 1 the list view – Rice Lake CRS-Certificate Retrieval System User Manual
Page 7: 2 configuring the system, 1 units of measure, Crs administration, The list view, Units of measure

Certificate Retrieval System User’s Guide - CRS Administration
CRS Administration
There are a few key concepts to understand when
u s i n g a w e b - b a s e d a p p l i c a t i o n . A w e b - b a s e d
application allows users to access it from any internet
capable computer. With CRS this means it can be
accessed by any of your technicians, administrators or
customers from nearly any computer, without the need
to load any special software locally (excluding the use
of the PDA application). However, web applications
work like web pages. This means that information is
only as recent as the last time the web page was
loaded. Leaving pages open for long periods of time
can be misleading so users are encouraged to finish
any data entry and save information in a timely
manner to avoid any problems.
Because it is a web application, CRS is also very
flexible and can be easily customized to fit in with
your website. Content of your choice can be added to
any and/or all of CRS web templates to provide
additional notes or links to your company resources.
Common Administration Features
The List View
The list view can be broken down into two areas:
records and the toolbar.
Records are the lines of information running in
columns and rows with the headers at the top of each
column. The list view can be sorted on any column
header. Just point to a column and click to sort.
The toolbar is comprised of a series of tasks. The Set
Items Per Page displays how many records are
displayed on each page. The Search box allows you to
search for any string within the information currently
in the list view and display the results. This filters out
unwanted entries and is particularly useful with data
spread across multiple pages. The Show All button
will reset the list view to its original starting point.
Configuring the System
In CRS there is some basic system and configuration
information that needs to be configured prior to initial
use. This includes information such as administrative
u s e r s , N I S T n u m b e r s a n d w e i g h t k i t s . S u c h
information is necessary for smooth operation of your
certification system. For instance, you will need at
least one administrative user to be able to properly
maintain and control the system. Generally once you
have configured this information it shouldn't be
necessary to change it very often. Each section that
follows gives instructions on how to get your
certification system up and running.
To access the different pages, point to Admin on the
Navigation bar and select the page you want to work
Figure 2-1. Admin Menu
Units of Measure
The Unit of Measure page contains all the units of
measure that will be used by the system.
Figure 2-2. Unit of Measure Page
To add a unit of measure,
1. Select Units of Measure under Admin on the
navigation bar.
2. Click Add Weight Unit button.
3. Enter the unit of measure.
4. Click Save Unit of Measure button.
Do this for all units of measure to be used.
Figure 2-3. Add a Unit of Measure Page Weight