Detex Newman Quartz Watchclock User Manual
Detex Safety

Detex Corporation • 302 Detex Drive • New Braunfels, Texas • 78130 • (830) 629-2900, 1-800-729-3839 • FAX (830) 620-6711
Internet: • E-mail: [email protected]
101273 JUNE 8, 2001
TO OPEN THE CLOCK - Unzip the pouch. Insert the lock key and turn 1/4 turn. Hold the key in that position
and pull the cover open. To remove the key, it must be returned to the original position.
TO REMOVE THE PAPER DIAL - Pull the dial cap off and lift out the used dial.
TO REPLACE THE "AA" BATTERY - The paper dial should always be removed when replacing the battery or
setting the clock. Remove and keep the three (3) screws and three (3) lock washers that hold the movement plate
in place. Remove the movement plate from the body of the watchclock. Loosen the screw holding the battery
clip, replace the "AA" battery, retighten battery clip and reinstall the movement plate with the three (3) screws
and lock washers. Replace the battery once a year to ensure continued operation.
TO INSERT A NEW DIAL - Insert the edge of the dial under the raised segment of the mainplate, fitting the
perforated letters of the dial center on the corresponding raised letters of the dial carrier. Replace the dial cap
with the slots over the letter 'T', pushing it down until it locks on with a slight snap. Turn the dial cap either way
until the time on the dial shown under the pointer agrees with the correct local time.
TO CLOSE THE CLOCK - Close the clock cover. Verify that clock cover is locked and then zip pouch closed.
TO READ THE DIAL RECORD - Used dials removed from the clock should not have more than two perfora-
tions in the green circle; one showing the exact time that the cover was closed after inserting the dial now being
removed, and the other showing the exact time that the cover was opened. More than two perforations indicate
that the clock has been tampered with, and an investigation should be conducted. Each station visited and the
time of the visit is shown, and these should be checked to see that the watchman performed the tour completely.
Any irregularities should be carefully checked.
FILING USED DIALS - After removing a used dial, always file it in a safe place so that it will be readily avail-
able for inspection for insurance or other purposes.
WEEK-END ROUNDS - If you adopt the practice of changing the dial on Saturday and allowing it to run for
48 hours without replacing it - thereby using the same dial for two nights - the watchman should be instructed to
perform the tour in reverse on the second night. Alternatively, the watchman may start the tour at a different
time on the second night.
INSPECT ALL STATIONS at least once per month to be sure that the seals have not been tampered with.
MAINTENANCE - Contact Detex or your local distributor if your clock should require maintenance or repair.
Loan clocks are available, so you need not be without the use of your system for a single night. When ordering
additional stations or recording keys, specify the station/key number required and the quantity. The part number
for replacement dials for your clock is BX-3924.
DECEMBER 31, 201