Salter Brecknell 650 User Manual

Page 30

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5.5.5 LABEL - Allows six label formats to be downloaded from WYSIWYG

software and also allows selection of the label.

Download label format from PC

1. Press the DnLoad soft key

2. Scale prompts “ Select Index to Download.”

3. Press a soft key 1 – 6 to store the label format and press ENT

4. Scale prompts “Ready to Download Ent – Save CLR - cancel”

5. Use test print from PC to download a formatted label.

6. Press ENT to accept label. Scale prompts “FMT SIZE = xxx” where xxx is the file size.

A test label is automatically printed. Each of the six label registers is limited to a

maximum of 10K bytes for a file size.

7. See table 5.6 for a list of the scale fields available to print. Other data may be included

on the label as fixed text.




Prints GR followed by Gross Weight


Prints NT followed by Net Weight


Prints APW followed by Average Piece Weight


Prints TR followed by Tare Weight


Prints PC followed by Number of Pieces


Prints the current date from the 650


Prints the current time from the 650


Prints IX followed by the Item ID (1 – 2000)


Before printing, the 650 will prompt for entry of a Product ID. IT then

prints ID followed by the Product ID entered


Before printing, the 650 will prompt for entry of a Product Name. It then

prints PN followed by the Product Name entered


Prints CH followed by the scale channel (1 or 2)


Before printing, the 650 will prompt for entry of a Lot #. It then prints

LOT# followed by the lot number entered.

TABLE 5-7: Print commands for formatting a label with WYSIWYG software

5.5.6 Deflt

1. Pressing the Deflt soft key changes the selected label format to the default label.

2. Use the clear key to move back to other menus. See appendix 2 figure B4 for label



The Diagnostics sub-menu allows you to test certain parts of the scale’s operation

for troubleshooting purposes. Available areas for testing include ADC (Analog-to-

Digital Converter) test, keyboard test and display test. This sub-menu also allows

you to key-in the scale’s calibration. Table 5-7 lists the items which are contained in

this sub-menu.

To access the Diagnostics sub-menu, follow the instructions below.

1. From the main menu. Press the * key.
2. Press the Diag soft key. Key-in the password (5555). The sub-menu items are

listed above the six soft keys.