Brar'líiíít c >\ i rní'ífy , . cúiingf' ¡’ dí>’'í, A ' ¡ i /?/ ''-"'‘"i"“ ‘ íhíxx, Ar'ft ívv)<' fifiickcü – Craftsman 139.53225SRT User Manual
Page 4
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' SEC-llOf"’iAI„,0odr ínstallaííosi'
Before you begin, survey your farag-e area to
see whether any of the conditions ijelow apply
to your Installation.
Hortzorit*! and v»fiical rwnfofcsm««
Is r»«jed
!lf hiwBí^íit 'gaiag«
(fttxirglass, sS»«!, abiwnum, cfcof with glass p«r*ts. ete.|,
S«^ fmg» 24 Im detals.
- Safety ftsviirsirtg S#awf on yr,ur porhculos rC't|usrC'rnc'*nlo, there art
íViverai instalLition step'.» which rnighi call >or
rnatiinals arnJ'''rjr hardware; not incliidod tn itie ccirtttn
• Gle;'( 1, parjo id ■ Ltiok a! it>e wall of ceiiinq al.'ove
)iie garage '.íoor. Tire header bracket rnuGl be
íiíK-Lifoly lastooed to stfuolural supports.
• oiep 5, payo 17 - Do you have a finiíthed coiiing in
youf garage? ff so,
support bracket and
additional lastoning hardware may be re(¡uired.
• Safety reversirig sensor, page 21 - Depending
upon garage construction, wood blocks may rirt'd
to be facionod to mounting Socatfons before
sortGoro art! inst.ilierl
• Step 10, page
Alterrtaic floor rnounfirtg of the
safety reversing senscjt will retiuire fiardware not
• Step 11. page ,?4 - Do you have a steel, aiutninum.
fibcrgltiSG or glass panel dottr? if so, fwn/onlal
and vertical feiriforoemcnt is requirc-d.
» Look at the gamge door wftere it nieeis the floor
It must close on the floor all the way across.
Other-wise, the safety reverse system may not
work properly. See page 30. Floor or door shouki
he repaired.
Closed Position
■ ^Brar'líiíít
C >\
I rní'ífy
, . Cúiingf'
Dí>’'í /
A '
¡ I
/?/ ''-"'‘"i"“
f<-¿ (Zar^í^i
ÍVv)<' fifiickcü
Hie opener can bo inistaliifri within 2 ferrl of the left
or right of the door cenler if thtrre ic a torsion Gprlng
or center bearing plate in the way of ifte header
bracket or door bracket area.
It your
extension springs, the opeiier must be insislloci
in the center of the da»
Sec pages 12 and 24.
’ Do you have an access door in addition to iftc
garage door'? If not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Release is required. See page 38.
’ if your door is more than 7 feet high,
the longer
rails available on page 3H
You may find it helpful to refer bade to this page as you proceed with the Instaftatlon of your opener.