Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual
Page 9

When to increase or decrease intensity
You may wish to increase the intensity of stimulation during
training if (1) the dog is not responding to the corrections,
particularly when he is distracted, (2) you use the momentary
buttons instead of continuous for most of your training, or (3)
you are using the Remote Trainer to stop the dog when he is
chasing something. You may wish to decrease the intensity
of stimulation during training if (1) the dog appears to be
becoming concerned or anxious when corrected, (2) you are
correcting the dog when he is not very far away from you,
especially when he is not distracted or excited, or (3) the dog
frequently overreacts (vocalizes) when he is corrected.
T R I - T R O N I C S
I n t r o d u c t i o n
Page 5