Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

Page 15

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T R I - T R O N I C S

S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s

Special Intensity Considerations for Stopping Chasing

Select an intensity level that is one level higher than the one

you selected for your dog in the section “Intensity selection
tips.” (If you are stopping chasing inside the house, you
may not need the higher level – just start with your dog’s

pre-selected level of intensity.) Some dogs are too excited
when they chase to feel the lower levels. If you find that the
dog ignores the correction the first time you use it, increase

the intensity level again. If your collar model allows you to
change the intensity at the transmitter, immediately switch
to a higher intensity if the dog appears to ignore the correction.

Lesson Plan to Stop Chasing

Set up a situation in which you know the dog will chase. As
soon as he starts in pursuit, press the continuous stimulation
button. Hold it down until the dog gives up his chase.

Remember that your continuous stimulation will “time out”
(turn off automatically) after about 8 seconds (4 seconds with
certain models – consult your Owner’s Manual about the
time-out feature). If your dog has not broken off the chase
after a few seconds, release the button for one second and
then press it again so that the collar won’t time out. You
should press and release the continuous button in this
fashion until the dog gives up his chase.

Stopping Misbehaviors

Page 11