Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

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T R I - T R O N I C S

S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s

If after several corrections the dog does not seem at all

discouraged from jumping up, raise the intensity by one level.
Be careful not to increase the intensity too much or too quickly
because using too strong an intensity for jumping up could

cause the dog to be afraid of the person he jumps on. You
can use this same method to stop a dog from jumping up on

barriers like fences, patio doors, and screen doors.


Curing this problem is a challenge because dogs usually dig
when they’re bored and no one’s around. When you’re home
and paying attention to your dog, you may not see him


Lesson Plan to Stop Digging

Set the intensity to the level you selected for your dog in the
section, “Intensity Selection Tips.” Place the dog by himself
in an area where he is likely to dig. Watch him, but don’t let
him know it. When he begins to dig, immediately press
the stimulation button. If the dog does not respond to the

Page 8

Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar

Jumping up – summary of steps

• Use a pre-selected level of intensity.

• Approach the dog and cause him to jump up.

• Press the stimulation button the instant the dog

jumps up. Good timing is important.

• Raise the intensity by one level if the dog is not

responsive after several corrections.

• Repeat in several places with different people.

• Don’t give the dog a chance to jump up without

correcting him until he has gone for three days
without trying to jump up.

• Use this same method to stop the dog from

jumping on barriers.