Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

Page 23

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T R I - T R O N I C S

O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m


This part of the training booklet covers training on obedience
commands. We will cover the commands, “Come,” “Sit,” “Heel,”
and “Down.” Using your Remote Trainer to solve behavior
problems is in the earlier part of this booklet, on pages 6-18.

There are many ways to train a dog and many good training
programs available. The program we include here is only one
of many training methods that you can use to train your dog.
By including specific features in the training program in
this booklet, we don’t mean to suggest that other training
programs with different features are wrong.


Here are some basic guidelines that cover all your Remote

Trainer work on obedience commands.

Follow a step-by-step introduction process on each

command. Don’t assume that your dog will understand a
Remote Trainer correction in connection with a command.
The stimulus can confuse him initially, even if he knows
the command.

Don’t introduce remote training with too high of an

intensity level. Use a level that is just high enough to cause
your dog to respond to it after repetition. Do not introduce
the collar at so high a level that your dog becomes worried or
is vocalizing. The intensity level of Tr i - Tronics Remote Tr a i n e r s
can be adjusted for a wide range of breeds and temperament
types. The section, “INTENSITY SELECTION TIPS” on page 3
e x p l a i n s how to select a level for starting training.

Don’t introduce remote training around distractions.
Keep things simple for your dog in his first sessions.
He can’t learn well when there’s too much going on.

Obedience Program

Page 19