Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual
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T R I - T R O N I C S
O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m
Remote “Sit” Training
Now that your dog understands the Remote Trainer
correction with the “Sit” command and has had distraction
training, he is ready to learn to sit at a distance from you.
This is called the “remote sit.” It is a very useful command,
but it can hard for some dogs to learn, because they want to
come and be with you.
Note that your dog should already have been taught this
skill without the Remote Trainer before you proceed with
the lesson described below. If your dog hasn’t already had
this lesson, a procedure for teaching it is included in our
Basic Training video.
Procedure for Remote “Sit” Training after the
Dog Has Been Taught the Remote Sit without
the Remote Trainer
1. Put your dog on a check cord and let him wander about
8 to 10 feet away from you.
2. Give the “Sit” command.
3. If the dog sits, praise him, then walk over to him and
release him and start another repetition.
4. If he does not sit immediately, repeat the “Sit” command
and give a quick tap with the stimulation button.
5. Do NOT let the dog take any steps toward you before he
sits. Walk toward him and have him sit.
6. During initial sessions, always walk over to your dog to
release him rather than calling him to you. Later, when
he is more experienced at the remote sit, you can release
him or call him to you from a distance.
What If …?
When working on the basic “Sit” command, your dog
seems confused.
Obedience Program
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