Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

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T R I - T R O N I C S

O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m

Be sure your dog can be successful in training. Dogs learn
from their earlier successes. Sometimes you have to simplify
things more than you thought you would before your dog can

understand a lesson and be successful. Any time your dog
seems confused, simplify! Back up and divide the lesson into

smaller steps.

Be consistent. Be consistent in your procedures and in the
standards you set for your dog’s work.

Repetition is necessary for your dog to learn. He learns

by association, and needs repetition to identify exactly what

to associate with what.

Concentrate on teaching your dog one thing at a time.
He can’t make the associations he needs if the lessons are
too complicated for him.

Use praise to let your dog know when he’s done the
correct thing.

Be sure to have plenty of play time as part of the training

session. Use play within a training session to keep your dog

enthusiastic. Both you and your dog should always
look forward to training.

Obedience Program

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