Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

Page 6

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T R I - T R O N I C S

I n t r o d u c t i o n

A good rule of thumb is to have the collar on the dog during
training for 30 days after the last time you had to press a
button. Also, you should plan on having the collar on the
dog during training for 30 days after you have reintroduced
the collar to help with a particular problem. Remember that
these rules apply in every situation in which you might need
to reinforce a command with the collar, not just in formal
training sessions.

If you are using the collar for problem behaviors...

A dog can also become collar-wise if you are using the collar
to stop problem behaviors. Here are some tips to prevent your

dog from becoming collar-wise in this situation.

1. Have the dog get used to wearing the collar and to seeing

you handle the transmitter a few days before you correct
the dog for the first time.

2. Always put the collar on the dog at least 30 minutes

before correcting the dog with it. Don’t use the collar
right after putting it on the dog or he will associate
having it put on with the corrections he receives.

3. Place the collar on the dog at various times without

using it, so that having it put on his neck won’t have
any special significance to him. You want the dog to
be unaware that wearing the collar is related to the
corrections he receives.

Remember that dogs are very sensitive and will pick up
on minor things about your behavior. So when you put
the collar on the dog at random times, use the same tone

of voice and mannerisms if possible. Also, sometimes
carry and handle the transmitter in the dog’s presence
without using it. This neutralizes the picture of you
carrying the transmitter. (Dogs can become transmitter-wise
just as they can become collar-wise.)

Page 2

Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar