Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

Page 35

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T R I - T R O N I C S

O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m

Your dog should have already learned the “Down” command
before you introduce the Remote Trainer for reinforcing “Down.”

If your dog doesn’t already know the “Down” command, a
procedure for teaching it is included in our Basic Training video.

To introduce the Remote Trainer for the “Down” command,
combine the stimulus from the Remote Trainer with another
form of correction the dog already understands; typically this

will be a downward tug with your leash.

Use the intensity level you’ve pre-selected for your dog (see
page 3). Use continuous stimulation for the initial lessons. If
your dog is very sensitive, you may prefer to use a series of

taps of momentary stimulation (see page 4).

For your initial training on “Down” with the Remote Trainer,

go to a training area that is already familiar to your dog from
having done other training there.

Procedure for Introducing the Remote Trainer with
the “Down” Command

1. Have your dog on leash, and in a sitting position.

2. Command “Down” and press the button on the

Remote Trainer.

3. At the same time, guide the dog down with your leash.

4. Release both the stimulation and the leash pressure

the moment the dog lies down, and praise him.

5. If the dog gets up before you release him, press the

button again as you command “Down.” Release the
button when he lies back down, and praise him.

6. Release the dog and move to a new place in the training

area and repeat steps 1 – 5.

Obedience Program

Page 31