Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

Page 14

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T R I - T R O N I C S

S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s

You must be careful to correct every chase once you start your
training. You might need to do this many times before the

dog will believe that chasing is always unpleasant.

The instinct to chase is very strong in some dogs and they
may eventually regress and start chasing again. More
corrections with the Remote Trainer may be needed.

Dogs usually require a higher level of intensity to stop chasing
than for other problem behaviors because they’re so excited
when they’re in hot pursuit. Bear in mind that your dog will
be surprised by the correction, and you won’t know which
way he’ll go when he breaks off the chase. So chase training
requires care. Don’t plan your chase training in an area where
your dog could be hit by a car or be in danger because of
other hazards.

If your dog has already been trained to come on command
with the Remote Trainer, he will tend to want to return to
you when you use the collar to correct him for chasing.

Therefore, we recommend that you first train the dog to
“Come” with the Remote Trainer before you begin using it

to stop chasing. (See pages 22-25.)

Pay special attention to using the collar to reinforce the
“Come” command around very tempting distractions,

especially those that encourage the dog to try to leave the
training area. Give the dog plenty of opportunities to learn
that turning back towards you “turns off” the collar stimulation.

Keep in mind that a chasing dog is traveling fast. It may take
some time for the dog to come off the chase. Don’t set up a
situation that allows the dog time to catch what he is chasing
before he notices the correction.

Page 10

Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar