Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual

Page 19

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T R I - T R O N I C S

S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s

The Remote Trainer can be used to stop a dog from eating
things he shouldn’t. Using a Remote Trainer makes it easy

for the dog to learn not to steal food, raid the garbage, or

eat animal droppings, because you can make these things
unpleasant to the dog.

Lesson Plan to Stop Eating What’s Not Allowed

Follow the procedure described to stop digging. The moment
the dog’s mouth actually touches the temptation, press the
stimulation button. If the dog does not
respond to the correction, press and
release the stimulation button several
times. If he is still not responding
after repetition, increase the

intensity by one level.

Stopping Misbehaviors

Page 15

Eating what’s not allowed – summary of steps

• Use a pre-selected intensity level.

• Place the dog in an area with the appropriate

temptation, and watch him.

• Press the stimulation button the instant his mouth

actually touches the temptation. If he does not
respond, press and release it several times.

• If the dog ignores the correction, increase the

intensity by one level.

• Continue the training process until the dog has gone

for three days without trying to go for the temptation.

• During the training period, do not give the dog a

chance at the temptation unless you can correct him.