Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual
Page 20

Barking is a strong instinctive behavior in dogs. Some dogs
start barking almost without thinking, so it’s not realistic to
try to teach a dog never to bark. However, you can teach him
to be quiet on command, or in certain situations.
You can use the Remote Trainer to limit barking by training
the dog to stop barking when he hears the word “Quiet!”
(or another command of your choice).
Lesson Plan to Control Barking
Set the intensity to the level you selected
for your dog in the section “Intensity
selection tips.”
Put the dog in a situation where you know
he’ll bark. When he begins to bark, give
your command to be quiet in a stern voice
and then press the continuous stimulation
button. Release it a moment later.
Repeat this several times until the dog will stop barking when
he hears the command to be quiet.
Repeat this procedure on different days. If possible, find
various situations that cause the dog to bark. Sometimes do
not give the command to be quiet; instead let the dog bark.
In other words, don’t correct every time the dog barks, but
at this stage of training, always correct if you have given the
command to be quiet.
If, by the end of your second training session, you find that
the dog doesn’t stop barking when you press the button, set
the intensity to the next higher level. Repeat the procedure.
After a week of this training, don’t press the button after the first
time you give the command to stop barking. Instead, wait to see
if the dog stops barking when he hears your command. Now,
if he continues to bark after one such warning, repeat the
command, and press the stimulation button.
T R I - T R O N I C S
S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s
Page 16
Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar