Tri-Tronics Bark Limiter XS User Manual
Owner’s guide

Owner’s Guide
•Small, lightweight, waterproof & durable
•All-new design for a comfortable fit
•Five intensity levels – set intensity instantly with a press of a button
•Easy-to-see light confirms On/Off, intensity level, and low battery
•Bark Odometer
reports correction activity since last turn-on –
know what happens when you’re not home!
•Bark sensor is internal and completely protected from damage
•Choice of contact point length to assure proper contact for short and
long coats
•Strap adjusts easily for a perfect fit whether your dog is tiny or large
•Operates on one replaceable lithium battery (included) – battery will
last one year in normal use
•30-day money-back guarantee / 1-year warranty
Turning the Collar On. Press the switch next to the contact points. One light will
double-flash. The collar is now on.
NOTE: To save battery life, the Bark Limiter
has a motion detector inside it. The lights
remain off (“sleep mode”) unless either motion or barking is detected.
Increasing Intensity. The Bark Limiter
has five correction levels. The blinking light
indicates the present level. To increase intensity, press and hold the switch until you see the
next intensity light glow. Release the switch. After you release the switch, the light for the
new level will flash, confirming your new setting.
Decreasing Intensity.
Level 5 is reached, the next intensity change will move
the intensity back to Level 1. I n c rease the level until you reach the desired intensity.
Checking Intensity
. To see what intensity is selected after the collar has been turned on, just
move the collar. The light matching the selected intensity will begin blinking.
Delay Feature. The collar is not capable of making corrections for approximately 30
seconds after turn-on or an intensity change.
Turning the Collar Off. The internal motion detector will turn the collar off automatically whenever it is not being moved. However minor
movements will turn it on. You may wish to turn the collar off when not in use.
P ress and hold the switch for about three seconds until you see the intensity light move up one level and then back to the original level. Release the button
when the light has re t u rned to the original level. The lights will sweep back and forth, then the #3 light will flash, confirming that the collar is off .
The intensity that was selected when you turned the collar off will be saved.
Bark Odometer
. When you turn the Bark Limiter
off, it will report the corrections that have occurred since the last time you turned it on. Immediately
after you turn the unit off, the #3 light will flash one time to confirm turn-off. Then it will flash rapidly (one flash per detected bark). Based on the number of
these rapid flashes, you know whether your dog needed a few corrections, a lot of cor rections, or no corrections at all while you were away from home.
Fitting a Bark Limiter
Properly. A Bark Limiter
must be very snug to work properly and correct the dog consistently.
To locate the buckle in the best position for your dog's neck size, you can adjust the strap by sliding it through the molded slots. You can substitute any
other strap that will fit through the molded slots. If the strap is too long for your dog, you can cut off the excess. Note that if the strap is far too long
for your dog, he can begin chewing it. Chewed straps are not covered by our warranty.
If your dog has a very dense undercoat, install the “long” contact points. Use only the plastic wrench that comes with the replacement contact points.
Turn the collar off before changing contact points.
Selecting Intensity. If your dog has never used a bark collar before, remember that a dog needs some experience to realize that his own bark causes
the correction he feels. If your dog is not used to bark collars, start on the lowest intensity. If the dog continues to bark in his normal fashion for longer
than 30 minutes, increase the intensity one level. If the dog alters the way he barks, this means he feels the correction. Give him a day’s experience
with the collar to learn to respond by not barking. If he’s still barking after that, increase the level. If he overreacts to the correction, use a lower level.
Continue until you find the level that discourages your dog from barking. Remember that there will be a 30-second delay after changing the intensity
before the collar will begin correcting.
Batteries. The Bark Limiter
comes with a non-rechargeable battery installed. If the first two lights blink at the same time when the unit is on, the
battery is becoming low. If these two lights glow steadily when you turn the collar on, the battery has become too low to operate the collar. Replace
with a 3-volt lithium battery, type CR2, available at most retailers.
To replace the battery, remove the collar strap and unscrew the two visible screws. Separate the two halves of the case and remove the old battery.
Replace the battery, following the polarity sign shown in the battery compartment.
NOTE: Replacing a battery automatically turns the unit on and you will see the light begin to blink. Thirty seconds after inserting the new battery,
the collar will become capable of stimulation. You may wish to turn the collar off .
Inspect the orange O-ring for any debris and gently remove debris with a damp cotton swab. Do not remove the O-ring. Press the two halves of
the case back together firmly and re i n s e rt the screws, tightening alternately until completely tight. Do not over tighten.
Trouble-Shooting Guide. Please try these suggestions if your unit is not working properly. If you’re still having problems, contact us at
s u p p o rt @ t r i t ro n i c s . c o m or 1-800-456-4343.
S e rvice and Wa rr a n t y. The Bark Limiter
is covered by a one-year warranty on parts and labor. The warranty does not cover physical damage
or abuse, or damage to the unit or to the collar strap caused by chewing. The warranty is also void if the Bark Limiter
has been altered or if
unauthorized service work has been attempted. If you send your Bark Limiter
in for re p a i r, we may replace it with a reconditioned unit.
Call or email us before sending your Bark Limiter
in for repair work.
P roduct Safety. Clinical animal safety studies have been designed and conducted for Tr i - Tronics by veterinarians and physiologists at a major
u n i v e r s i t y. The scientific studies tested for possible card i o p u l m o n a ry and epidermal effects of Tri - Tronics’ electrical stimulation applied to the
ventral surface of the neck of healthy dogs. These studies showed that there were no clinically significant changes in electro c a rdiograms, blood
p re s s u res, or pro p e rties of the skin underlying the contact points.
The clinical investigations involved parameters of electrical stimulation (e.g., maximum output voltage, output impedance, current density, and
repetition rate) that were basically the same as those of the Bark Limiter
. The safety of the Bark Limiter
is strongly supported by the scientific,
clinical data.
To guard against skin irritation due to rubbing, inspect the dog’s neck at least once a day, especially in the early stages of use. The possibility that
i rritation will occur, although small, increases with the length of time the collar is on the dog.
NOTE: Even though Tr i - Tronics products are safe, they are intended for use only on healthy dogs. It is always wise to have your dog checked by a
veterinarian before any type of training.
The dog is still barking while
wearing the Bark Limiter
• The collar may be turned off.
Be sure the unit is on.
• The collar is inactive for 30
seconds after turn-on or any
intensity change. Wait for the
collar to become active.
• The collar isn't tight enough.
Tighten the collar strap.
• The intensity isn't high
enough. Try the next level.
Remember it takes 30
seconds after changing
intensity for the collar to
become active again.
• The contact points aren't
making contact through the
dog’s undercoat. Use the long
contact points. Wiggle the
unit on the dog’s neck to
work the contact points
through his coat.
The collar light isn't blinking even
though I turned the collar on.
• It is normal for the light to
stop blinking whenever the
unit has not been moved.
This is the battery-saving
sleep mode.
The collar is blinking while it's on
the dog. Is it correcting him even
when he isn't barking?
• No. The blinking light just
means that the collar is
turned on.
I can't get the collar to turn off or
the intensity to change levels.
• Be sure to press and hold the
switch firmly.
M y dog's skin is irritated wher he
has been wearing the bark collar.
• Dogs with sensitive skin can
experience skin irritation if
they wear a bark collar too
long at any one time, due to
the mechanical pressure of
the contact points. Do not
use the bark collar until the
irritation is cleared up. Also,
do not use it for longer than
10 hours out of every 24
hours. If the dog gets wet
while wearing a bark collar,
the chance of irritation is
i n c reased. Using the short
contact points will reduce
the chance of skin irr i t a t i o n .
Contact your veterinarian if
the skin irritation is
especially severe.