Tri-Tronics Basic Training User Manual
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There are two ways to use your Remote Trainer in dog
training. You can use it to reinforce commands, like “Come”
or “Heel,” and you can use it to stop misbehaviors, like digging
and jumping up. This booklet will give you some instruction
in both types of training.
If you plan to use your Remote Trainer to reinforce more
than one command (for example, both the “Come” and “Sit”
commands, an introductory program like the one on page
19-33 of this booklet can be helpful.
Just because a dog understands a command does not mean
that he automatically understands a correction from a Remote
Trainer. A step-by-step introduction to the Remote Trainer
can help him relate his own failure to obey with the correction
he receives, and can keep him from becoming confused.
A collar-wise dog is one who sees not wearing the collar as
a cue that now he is free to disobey commands. If your dog
becomes collar-wise, the collar will be less useful in your
training program than it otherwise would be.
Here are some tips to help keep your dog from
becoming collar-wise
When you are training commands, don’t work the dog
without the collar too soon. All dogs have their moments
of forgetfulness after they seem to have learned a lesson.
Be prepared to remind a “forgetful” dog. You can make a
dog collar-wise if you work him without the collar before
his obedience has become a habit in many different locations.
Don’t make the training mistake of removing the collar in t h e
middle of a session to “see if the dog will still do it without the
collar.” If you put the collar on or take it off in the middle of a
training session, you will tend to make your dog collar- w i s e
because you’ll give him an opportunity to compare results.
T R I - T R O N I C S
I n t r o d u c t i o n
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