Dell Latitude D630 User Manual
Page 132

Active Management Technology
Advanced Functionality
Additional management software is required for the following features.
• Ability to do remote issues remediation (1-to-1) through text-based
console redirection (serial-over-LAN) and IDE redirection
• Hardened security through agent presence (enables detection of removed
agents) and network access control (circuit breaker) and software version
Your computer aids in troubleshooting iAMT by providing the following iAMT-
related error messages:
Out-of-Band Management
Out-of-Band term refers to the ability to manage the computer in the absence of
an operating system or with the operating system in an unusable state, or with
the computer turned off. The only requirement for managing such a computer
is the iAMT capability as well as computer being connected to the network and
to an electrical outlet.
Power is supplied to the DIMMs even when the computer is turned off.
Accessing iAMT setup
Intel's MEBx interface controls the Latitude D630c iAMT features and setup
options. MEBx is used to:
• Turn on or off iAMT
Error Message
AMT mode: Set
manageability mode to AMT
or none
Alert Standard Format (ASF) mode is
enabled instead of iAMT. Set
manageability mode to AMT or None in
the Management Engine BIOS
Extension (MEBx) setup.
MFG_MODE jumper: The
security override jumper
is installed
Do not populate the MFG_MODE
jumper. iAMT will not function properly.
Only Manufacturing uses this jumper.
MEMORY: Unsupported
memory configuration.
Populate DIMM1.
Unable to launch Management Engine
(ME). iAMT functionality is broken
when DIMM1 is not populated.