Casio MPC-501 User Manual

Page 59

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3. In response to the prompt that appears, tap New Shortcut if you

are creating a new shortcut, or Existing Shortcuts to associate
the ink pattern with an

existing shortcut. Next, tap Next to


N o t e

• The prompt described in step 3 appears only when one or more

application shortcut already exists. If there are no application
shortcuts yet, the New Shortcut option is selected automatically.
What happens next depend on whether you selected New
or Existing Shortcuts in step 3 of the above procedure.

New Shortcut
1. Tap the Browse button. On the dialog box that appears, select the

application for which you want to create a

shortcut and then tap


2. The path to the application you selected appears

in the Shortcut

command line box, and the name of the application appears in
the Shortcut name box.

3. Tap Finish to save the shortcut and close the Train Shortcut


Existing Shortcuts
1. On the dialog box that appears, select the shortcut you want from

the list.

• The lower part of the dialog box shows the path to the application

currently assigned to the

selected shortcut.

2. Tap the Finish button to save your changes and close the Train

Shortcut Wizard.