Humboldt H-4140 GeoGauge User Manual
Page 6

The GeoGauge can be used in the QC of stabilized materials. The QC method
can determine how soon a material can bear construction loads, determine
the ultimate strength from measurements at the time of installation or assure
structural uniformity of the material. Appendix 2 is a case study of such a QC
method on a cement treated bases. Appendix 3 is a case study of use on a lime
treated subgrade.
The GeoGauge can be used in-place to estimate CBR and Resilient Modulus or
estimate the results of plate load tests, laboratory R-Value, FWD or DCP with
more speed and simplicity and at a much lower cost.
2, 3 & 4
2 Development Of Models to Estimate The Subgrade And Subbase Layers Resilient Modulus From In-Situ Devices Test Results For
Construction Control, 2005, Louay Mohammad, Ananda Herath and Ravindra Gudishala, Louisiana Transportation Research Center,
Baton Rouge, LA 70808, FHWA/LA.05/406
3 Assessment Of In-Situ Test Technology For Construction Control Of Base Courses And Embankments, 2004, Murad Y. Abu-Farsakh,
Ph.D., P.E., Khalid Alshibli, Ph.D., P.E, Munir Nazzal, and Ekrem Seyman, Louisiana Transportation Research Center, Baton Rouge,
LA 70808, FHWA/LA.04/385
4 Field R-Value Correlation Method Development, 2006, Lary R . Lenke, Evan M. C. Kias, Richard Jenkins, Christopher Grgich, Uni
versity of New Mexico Department of Civil Engineering, Albuquerque, NM 87131, NM04MSC-02.1