Humboldt H-4140 GeoGauge User Manual

Page 28

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The following represents a effort by Koch Performance Roads to quantify the

performance of approximately 50 miles of lime stabilized, silty clay, ~ 12” thick

subgrade which was part of the Koch managed reconstruction of Virginia (VA)

Route 288. As with similar jobs managed by Koch (e.g., NM 44), the traditional

7 day waiting period between subgrade installation and resumption of

construction was inconsistent with Koch’s aggressive construction schedule. To

reduce the waiting period, Koch needed a QC method that could quantitatively

estimate when the subgrade was strong enough to support construction and

estimate subgrade ultimate strength. The method would have to determine

these factors from measurements made within the first few days after installation.

Limited measurements made on a similar lime stabilized subgrade of New

Mexico 44 in 2000 indicated that evaluating a material modulus vs. time might

provide the needed method. This was accomplished by calculating a modulus

from measurements of lift stiffness made using the Humboldt GeoGauge.

To confirm this, a comprehensive evaluation of subgrade lift stiffness was

conducted on VA 288. The construction specification used on NM 44 was also

used on VA 288. The NM 44 data established that a modulus calculated from

lift stiffness could be used as the estimate of strength. If the VA 288 subgrade

performance was consistent with the subgrade of NM 44, then stiffness based

QC of the lime stabilized subgrade is indeed viable if not a practical and form

the basis for a specification.
From the sum of the data provided by Koch, it appears that the effective

modulus of the lime stabilized subgrade increases with time at a logarithmic rate

to a good degree of correlation (see Figure 1). This data also shows that of the

approximately 1,000 measurements made on the subgrade, approximately 95%

fall within +/- 36% of the average modulus. Based on FHWA, Office of Pavement

Design guidelines, this variability in subgrade modulus could support a 15+ year

pavement life. The modulus and rate of change of modulus with time for the NM

44 lime stabilized subgrade from over two years prior falls within the data range

for VA 288. Also, core testing by Koch was consistent with the modulus data.

Where modulus data fell with in +/- 36% of the average, the corresponding

strength data was acceptable.


Lime Stabilized Subgrade

Virginia Route 288

February, 2003


Koch Performance Roads, Inc.

4111 East 37th Street North

Wichita, Kasas 67220