Bio-Rad Model 550, Ultramark, and Benchmark Microplate Reader Accessories User Manual

Page 33

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b.The best measurement wavelength

Check references for the substrate you are

filter for the substrate in use has not

using, or determine the best measurement

been installed in the filter wheel.

wavelength by analyzing the substrate product

on a scanning spectrophotometer. Custom
filters are available from 400 to 700 nm.

c. The filters have been switched in

Check that the filters are installed in the

the wheel.

correct position.

7. LCD displays “Error Filter Wheel”,

Turn off the instrument, open the rear cover,

indicating that the filter wheel is

and inspect the filter wheel. Turn by hand to

not turning freely.

verify that the wheel is moving freely. Make
sure that all the filters are properly installed
and firmly seated. Contact your local Bio-Rad
representative if the filter wheel is jammed or
if the problem persists.

8. “Error Reader Memory” displayed.

Reader memory erased. Possible battery
backup failure. Contact your local Bio-Rad
service center or local representative.

9. “Error Photo Sensor” displayed.

Contact your local Bio-Rad service center
or local representative.

10. “Error Printer Hardware” displayed.

Contact your local Bio-Rad service center
or local representative.