Read plate – Bio-Rad Human Metabolic and Hormone Assays User Manual

Page 22

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8. Add 20 µl diluted SA-PE to the required plate wells.

9. Cover and incubate at 850 ± 50 rpm, as in Step 4, for 30 min at RT.

10. Wash the plate three times with 100 µl 1x assay buffer.

11. After the final wash, resuspend the beads in 100 µl assay buffer. Cover

plate as in Step 4 and shake the plate at 850 ± 50 rpm for 30 sec.

12. Remove the plate seal and read plate at low PMT (Bio-Plex



standard PMT (Bio-Plex 3D), or default settings (Bio-Plex




7. Read Plate

Bio-Plex Manager software is recommended for all Bio-Plex Pro assay
data acquisition and analysis. Instructions for Luminex xPONENT software
are also included. For instructions on using other xMAP system software
packages, contact Bio-Rad Technical Support or your regional Bio-Rad
field applications specialist.

Prepare Protocol in Bio-Plex Manager Software

Version 6.0 and Higher

The protocol should be prepared in advance so that the plate is read as
soon as the experiment is complete.

A protocol file specifies the analytes used in the reading, the plate wells
to be read, sample information, the values of standards and controls,
and instrument settings. Protocols may be obtained from within Bio-Plex
Manager software version 6.1 or created from the File menu.