Bio-Rad Sequi-Gen GT Sequencing Cell User Manual

Page 13

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Caution: Do not touch plastic molded parts with solvents that contain chlorinated
hydrocarbons or aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., carbon tetrachloride, toluene, methyl ethyl
ketone, acetone).

Do not use abrasive or highly alkaline cleaners on the polycarbonate plastic IPC panel.

(The glass may be cleaned with abrasive or strong alkaline detergents, if adequate care is
taken to avoid contact with the plastic panel.)

Do not soak plastic parts in detergents more than 30 minutes.

Cleaning the Clamps

Rinse the clamps with warm water, and wipe any polymerized acrylamide off the clamping

surfaces. Drain the banana plug mounts at the top of the clamps, and wipe the clamping
surfaces dry before each use. Do not use organic solvents to clean the clamps.

Section 4
Operating Instructions

4.1 Before Assembly

1. Thoroughly clean all parts as described in Section 3.

Caution: Certain solvents and cleaning agents should be avoided. Refer to Section 3.2 for
compatible cleaning agents.

2. Depending on the size of the Sequi-Gen GT IPC, make up the appropriate amount of

electrode buffer (typically 1x TBE) from Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Electrode Buffer Volumes

IPC Size

Total Buffer Required



21 x 40 cm

850 ml

500 ml

350 ml

21 x 50 cm

925 ml

575 ml

350 ml

38 x 30 cm

1,000 ml

650 ml

350 ml

38 x 50 cm

1,750 ml

1,400 ml

350 ml

4.2 Assembling the Glass Plate Sandwich

After the Sequi-Gen GT components have been washed and the glass plates siliconized

or coated, assemble the Sequi-Gen GT apparatus. Always wear gloves while handling the
glass plates during assembly to avoid fingerprints on the glass plates. Fingerprints will cause
bubbles to form during gel casting.

Important: Before assembling the Sequi-Gen GT cell, inspect all plastic parts, glass plates,
electrical cables, jacks, and receptors for loose connections, cracks, chips, charring, or
corrosion. Do not use any part that is damaged. These parts may cause buffer leaks or arcing.

1. Clean and siliconize the glass plates as instructed in Section 3.1.

2. Place the IPC flat on the bench with glass plate facing upward (Figure 4.1).

• Position one spacer along each long edge of the IPC glass plate. The bottom edges of

the spacer and the glass plate should be flush and the long edge of the spacer should
be next to the plastic lip of the IPC panel.