Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual
Page 24

Move to Park
Select this menu or press the Move to Park position shortcut button located below the
menu bar, (see Appendix D) to move the cutting head to the park position. This is located at
the top right hand corner of the working surface. The cutting head should be in the park
position before a picture is taken. On system initialization, the cutting head is automatically
moved to the park position.
Select this menu to change the set-up of the communication ports for data transfer between
computer and cutting system. The system will default select the COM 2 port. This can be
changed to the COM 1 port in the communication panel. This selection will only be held for
that set-up. The next time the system is turned on, it will default back to COM 2.
Others (Cutting Tip Control and Lights)
Selecting this menu produces the Other Function setup window. This contains several
alternative methods of cutting head operation. By trying these methods under varying
circumstances, you can work out which method will work best for your needs and under
certain conditions.
The standard operation (nothing selected in Others) will direct cutting tip rotation as the
spot is being cut. The cutting head ceases rotation before the spot is dispensed, the spot is
then dispensed to the MTP well while the cutting head is down.
Acrylamide Gels:
Use standard (default) method. For increased assurance of positive eject,
select Double Eject.
PVDF Membrane:
Use Eject With Turn in order to help eject the static membrane from
the stainless steel tip.
Use Cut without Turn in order to keep the cutting tip from marking the
The difference between each of the six alternative methods from the standard method
normally used by the system are the following:
(a) Double Eject–same as standard operation except there is a double movement
of the eject pin.
(b) Eject With Turn–same as standard operation except the cutting tip is rotating
during ejecting.
(c) Eject with Cutting Head Up–same as standard operation except the cutting
head does not move down while ejecting.
(d) Lights Select Enabled/Disabled–allow the lights on/off shortcut buttons to be
enabled or disabled.
(e) Cut Longer–cutting tip will stay down longer on the cutting surface.
(f) Cut without Turn -same as standard operation except the cutting tip does not
rotate during the cut.
Note: Combinations of the above may be tried by the operator to suit different conditions.