Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual
Page 14

b. Select the Window menu, then Spot Location from the drop down menu. This will
produce the Spots Location window, which displays details of all selected, deleted, and
cut spots. The Current State of the particular spot may be changed from Cut to Select
by right mouse clicking in the Current State column for the spot to be re-cut. This will
produce a pop-up menu, select Delete. Right mouse click on the Current State column,
choose Select which will change the spot back to the select state enabling it to be re-cut.
This may be done for any number of spots. Once completed the spot may be cut using the
same method as for any individual cutting run.
Select the Run shortcut button, or choose Cutting; Run. Use the Cut Previous Spot
selection which is found within the Set-up Cut Spot window. Cut Previous Spot is
activated when a check appears in the check box. Enter the spot numbers to be re-cut.
They must be in sequential order to be a valid cutting order, or one spot can be entered at
a time.
Except for the case when several spots will be re-cut in sequence, the first re-cut method
in this section should be used.
Auto Cut Previous Spot/Enabled
With Select Previous Spot enabled, if any previously cut spots are selected in
the run to be cut, once "OK" has been pushed to commence the cutting run, and
information box will be displayed individually in turn for each previously cut
spot. In this box you may either select the "Yes" button to re-cut the spot or
"No" button not to.
(b) With Select Previous Spots disabled, selecting the "OK" button enables the
operator to repeat the previous cut run. Additional spots can be selected and on
clicking the "OK" button all previous selections, plus the additional spots will
be cut.
Once all previously cut spots have been addressed, the program will automatically cut
any new spots in the run.
This function allows for any combination of previously cut spots to be cut, ie. you may
cut spots 1,3,5 without cutting 2 & 4, even though 2 & 4 are within the range of the selected
spots to be cut (excised).
Auto Cut Previous Spots Disabled
With this function disabled, no previously cut spots will be re-cut.
Section 5
Working Surface
The working surface is shown in Appendix B and consists of two main areas, the cutting
surface and the microtiter plate holder. In addition there is also a bubble level which may be used
to ensure the cutting surface is level.
5.1 Excision Mats
The gel or membrane is cut on a custom designed PVC excision mat. Only use 1 mat for
correct height.
Two PVC (Clear) excision mats are provided with the system. These mats may become
scored by the cutting tip, stained by the gel stains, or become cracked with repeated use over