Bio-Rad PROTEAN Plus Dodeca Cell User Manual

Page 16

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Section 5
Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Cause Solution
1. Smile effect– band pattern

a. Center of the gel running

a. Improper cooling.

curves upward at both sides

hotter than either end

The cooling coil and

of the gel

refrigerated circulator

MUST be used in order

to maintain buffer

temperature at

approximately 20 ºC.

Measure the buffer

temperature and adjust

the refrigerated

circulator settings.

b. Power conditions are

b. Decrease voltage from


200 V to 150 V or

make sure buffer is

filled to correct level.

c. Plate not greased properly c. Apply an excess amount

causing current leaks. (If

of grease along the

using non-hinged cassettes). entire edge of the dry

plate. Do not remove

the plate from the tank

once it is inserted down

into position until the

run is complete. This

could loosen the grease

and cause it to fall out.

2. Frowning effect–band

a. The buffer is not

a. Check the Buffer

pattern curves downward

recirculated properly

recirculation set-up

at one or both sides of the

and the edges of the gel

(see Section 2.3). Make


are getting warmer then

sure the black fittings

the middle of the gel.

or manifold tubing in

the lid are extending

just past the buffer

level. The black fittings

or manifold tubing can-

not extend too far into

the buffer; otherwise

the buffer at the very

top will not be

recirculated properly.

3. Run takes unusually long

a. Ion depletion in running

a. Prepare and use fresh


buffer buffer.

b. Running buffer too

b. Check buffer protocol


and dilute buffer if


4. Changes in protein mobility

a. Ion depletion in running

a. Prepare and use fresh

or band sharpness.



b. Gels running too hot.

b. Same as #1 solution a

and b.

Problem Cause Solution