Maximum time delay, Help menu – ADS Environmental Services Enigma-hyQ QR 775017 A2 User Manual

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ADS Enigma/Enigma-Compact/Enigma-hyQ User Manual


entered values. However, for greater accuracy, calculate the actual velocity
using data collected from 3 loggers.

The Enigma-Compact is optimized with 3 loggers for calculating velocity to
improve the accuracy of leak detection. For more information, refer to
Velocity Measurement on page 75.

Maximum Time Delay

Selecting Maximum Time Delay provides the option settings for controlling
the analysis and displays the currently selected maximum time delay.

Note: If the maximum time delay is set to 500 ms, data between 500
and 1500 ms will not be available. However, when using an
hydrophone, for example, ADS recommends setting the value to 1500
to check for peaks.

Help Menu

The Help menu includes two options:

Enigma Help Manual Selecting this option opens the electronic
version of this manual.

About Enigma Selecting this option displays the About dialog
identifying the current software version and providing contact and
customer support information.

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