Error messages, Step eight, Step nine – tekmar 661 Snow Detector & Melting Control User Manual
Page 7: 090 centre sensor failure, Outdoor sensor - open circuit, Outdoor sensor - short circuit, 090 heater shorted, 090 heater failure, 090 water detector failure, 090 edge sensor failure
Melting on
The Melting relay and light turn on and the LCD shows "M
E" to indicate that the melting
device is being tested. If the melting device does not activate, there may be a fault
with the wiring or with the melting device itself - check both. After 10 seconds, the
Melting light and relay are turned off and the test continues.
Heat on
The Heat relay and light turn on and the LCD shows "H
E" to indicate that the heating
device is being tested. If the heating device does not activate, both the wiring and the
heating device should be checked. After 10 seconds, the Heat light and relay are
turned off and the test continues.
Pump on
The Pump relay and light turn on and the LCD shows "P 1" to indicate that the pump
is being tested. If the pump does not activate, the wiring from the control should be
checked and the pump examined. After 10 seconds, the pump light and relay are
turned off and the control exits the test sequence.
First observe the system operating parameters. The source of the problem can often be identified by noting a temperature or time
reading which seems unreasonable. The indicator lights are also useful to in assessing the current state of the control system.
Observing what the control is doing, and understanding the sequence of operation greatly aids in isolating the problem. The next
step is to push the test button and observe the system components working in a sequential order. If a sensor fault is found during
or after the test sequence, an error message is displayed. The error message look up table provided below can be used to determine
which sensor circuit has the fault. Once the error is located, refer to Step Five for testing of the wiring and sensors. After any repair
has been completed, press the Test button to confirm that correct operation has been restored.
Step Eight
Step Nine
Before you leave
Error Messages
• Make sure wiring dividers are installed in their proper locations between the compartments that have different voltages.
• Install the wiring cover over the wiring chamber and secure it to the base with the two screws provided. Place the front cover on
the control and snap into place. Install a lock if security is required.
• Place this brochure, and all other brochures relating to the installation, in the protective plastic bag supplied with the control. Place
the bag in a conspicuous location near the control for future reference.
• It is important to explain the operation of the control and melting system to all users who may be operating it.
090 Centre Sensor Failure
Check the 090 center temperature sensor
and the wiring to the sensor (black and yellow
wires, terminals 12 & 14). When the control
has this error, the melting system is shut
Outdoor Sensor - Open Circuit
Check the Outdoor Sensor and wiring from the
terminal. When the control has this error, it
continues operation using only the Snow/Ice
Outdoor Sensor - Short Circuit
Check the Outdoor Sensor and wiring from
the terminal. When the control has this
error, it continues operation using only the
Snow/Ice Sensor.
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining
090 Heater Shorted
If the red and black wires on the 090 Sensor are shorted together, the
power supply itself is shorted. When this occurs, the control continu-
ously cycles through the start of the power up routine. This fault should
be repaired immediately or damage to the control could result.
090 Heater Failure
Check the 090 heater circuit (red and black
wires, terminals 11 & 12). This error can result
from a red wire open circuit ora reversal of the
yellow and brown wires. When the control has
this error, the melting system can only be
operated using a remote enable signal.
090 Water Detector Failure
Check the 090 water circuit (black and
blue wires, terminals 12 & 13). When
the control has this error, the system
can only be operated using a remote
enable signal.
090 Edge Sensor Failure
Check the 090 edge temperature sensor
and the wiring to the sensor (black and
brown wires, terminals 12 & 15). When
the control has this error, the melting
system is shut down.
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining
Target Slab
% Output
Usage (hours)
Time Remaining