Gossen Starlite User Manual
Page 31

GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmeßtechnik
10.1 Selecting the photometric display unit
Use the DIP 1 switch to change over to the
functions CINE/Photometry. With the DIP 3 switch,
you can select either the standardized measuring
units or special ones used in certain English
speaking countries.
– lx, cd/m
: the photometric incident measure-
ment values are displayed in the standardised
units (lx, lxs, cd/m
, cds/m
– fc, FL: the photometric incident measurement
values are displayed in Anglican measuring
units (fc, fcs, fL, fLs). This means the values
do not have to be converted.
– Press and hold the left function button
and select the sub-functions illumination or
luminance using the setting wheel.
Depending on the DIP 3 switch setting, lx or fc will
appear in the display.
10.2 Measuring the illumination
Lux (lx) or footcandle (fc)
– Set the measuring head to incident light
measuring – flat diffusor.
When setting the diffusor at the measuring
head to spherical, an error indication will
appear (flashing
– Aim the measuring head in the direction
of the illumination source.
– Take a measurment using the measuring
button .