Gossen Starlite User Manual
Page 21

GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmeßtechnik
Taking measurements in the zone system
This function is mainly used to cope with subject
contrasts in the field of black and white photo-
In addition to the influence of illumination, there
is a further possibility of optimizing the contrast
range of film and paper.
The zone system allows details to be reproduced
in the picture which otherwise would not be visible
and would be lost. A detailed analysis of this
technique would, however, go beyond the scope
of these instructions.
5.7.1 The Starlite and the zone system
The Starlite allocates different brightness ranges
to predefined graduated zones of grey.
Variations of these grey tones from the middle
zone determine the exposure correction and the
changes in the development process, which are to
be applied correspondingly.
Taking measurements in the zone system
For using the zone system activate the switch
DIP 4 in the battery compartment.
– Set the diffusor ring at the mesuring head to the
„reflected light – 1°“.
– Keep the left function button
pressed and select
the sub-function ZONE using the setting wheel.
– Using the viewfinder, focus on the darkest spot
of the subject, which should still be shown up in
the negative.
– Press the measuring button
. The meas. value
will then be automatically allocated to zone V.
– Using the setting wheel, place the measuring
value in the zone where the darkest value
should be, e.g. zone III.
– Now you can measure up to 8 further spots in
the subject using the measuring button
the most important brightest spot, which should
still show detail in the negative, must be