E-flite Fokker DVII 250 ARF User Manual
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E-flite Fokker DVII 250 Slow Flyer Assembly Manual
2. Slide the tab on the micro control horn through
the elevator from the bottom side as shown.
3. Slide the micro control horn backplate on the tab
from the control horn. It will ratchet down and lock
into position. Slide the backplate so it holds the
control horn tightly in position.
4. Apply 2–3 drops of foam-safe CA to the joint
between the backplate and control horn to keep it
secure for the life of your model.
5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to install the control
horn on the rudder. Note the direction of the horn
as it must be on the opposite side of the fuselage
from the elevator control horn.
6. Insert the tabs from the fin into the slots in
the stabilizer. The fin will rest tightly against the
stabilizer when installed.
7. Use foam-safe CA to glue the fin to the
stabilizer. Make sure the fin is square to the
stabilizer before the CA can cure.
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