Surecross™ dx80k wireless configured kit, Specifications, continued, Caution – Banner SureCross DX80 Wireless Networks User Manual

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Banner Engineering Corp., 9714 Tenth Ave. No., Minneapolis, MN USA 55441 • Phone: 763.544.3164 • • Email: [email protected]

SureCross™ DX80K Wireless Configured Kit

P/N 136442 rev. A

WARRANTY: Banner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects for one year.
Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture found to be
defective at the time it is returned to the factory during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover
damage or liability for the improper application of Banner products. This warranty is in lieu of any other
warranty either expressed or implied.


Make no modifications to this

Any modifications to this product not expressly
approved by Banner Engineering could void the
user’s authority to operate the product. Contact
the Factory for more information.

All specifications published in this document are subject to change. Banner reserves the right to modify the specifications of products, prior to their order, without
notice. Banner Engineering reserves the right to update or change documentation at any time. For the most recent version of any documentation, please refer to our
website: © 2007 Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved.

Always use lightning arrestors/surge protection with all remote antenna systems to avoid invalidating the
Banner Engineering Corp. warranty. No surge protector can absorb all lightning strikes. Do not touch the
SureCross device or any equipment connected to the SureCross device during a thunderstorm.

The manufacturer does not take responsibility
for the violation of any warning listed in this

Specifications, continued


Environmental Rating*


Operating Temperature**

-40 to +85° C (Electronics); -20 to +80° C (LCD)

Operating Humidity

95% max. relative (non-condensing)

Radiated Immunity

10 V/m, 80-2700 MHz (EN61000-6-2)

Shock and Vibration

IEC 68-2-6 and IEC 68-2-7
Shock: 30g, 11 millisecond half sine wave, 18 shocks
Vibration: 0.5 mm p-p, 10-60 Hz

* Please refer to the SureCross™ DX80 Wireless I/O Network product manual, Banner p/n 132607, for installation and waterproofing instructions.
** Operating the devices at the maximum operating conditions for extended periods can shorten the life of the device.


900 MHz Models

FCC ID TGUDX80: This device complies with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247
IC: 7044A-DX8009

2.4 GHz Models

FCC ID UE300DX80-2400: This device complies with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247
ETSI/EN: In accordance with EN 300 328: V1.7.1 (2006-05)
IC: 7044A-DX8024

It is Banner Engineering’s intent to fully comply with all national and regional regulations regarding radio frequency emissions. Customers who want to re-export this
product to a country other than that to which it was sold must ensure that the device is approved in the destination country. A list of approved countries appears in the
SureCross DX80 Wireless Product Manual, in the Agency Certifications section. Consult with Banner Engineering if the destination country is not on this list.