1 introduction, 1 instrument description, Instrument description – Metrohm 914 pH / Conductometer User Manual
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1 Introduction
pH Meter/Conductometer
1 Introduction
This manual gives you a comprehensive overview of the installation, func-
tion and operation of pH Meter/Conductometer instruments.
You can request application descriptions in the form of
Application Notes and Application Bulletins from your
Metrohm representative or download them from
Instrument description
pH Meter/Conductometer instruments are designed for use both out-
doors and indoors as well as for stationary use in the laboratory.
The instruments come in four basic versions, which differ in their design
with regard to different measuring channels and respective functions.
912 Conductometer
With a measuring channel for measuring the conductivity, the TDS and
the salinity.
913 pH Meter
With an analog and a digital measuring channel each for measuring the
pH value, the potential and the temperature.
914 pH/Conductome-
ter IS
With a digital measuring channel for measuring the pH value, the poten-
tial and the temperature and a measuring channel for measuring the con-
ductivity, the TDS, the salinity and the temperature.
914 pH/Conductome-
With an analog measuring channel for measuring the pH value, the poten-
tial and the temperature and a measuring channel for measuring the con-
ductivity, the TDS, the salinity and the temperature.