5 instrument diagnosis, 1 loading program versions and language files, Instrument diagnosis – Metrohm 899 Coulometer User Manual

Page 81: Loading program versions and language files

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6 System settings

899 Coulometer




Instrument diagnosis


Loading program versions and language files


System Diagnosis

New program versions or language files can be loaded from a USB flash
drive. The corresponding file must be saved on the USB flash drive in a
directory with the instrument number (e.g. 899).

You can distinguish between language files and program files by noting
how the file name is constructed.

Program files
They are instrument-specific. The file name has the following structure:

5XXXyyyy.bin where


yyyy =

Instrument type (e.g. 899 for the 899 Coulometer)

Program version

Language files
They can be recognized by means of the two-digit language code in the
file name. A language file contains the dialog texts for various instrument
types. It is not instrument-specific. The file name has the following struc-

5848xxxxYY.bin where

xxxx =

YY =

Version number

Language, e.g. DE (German), FR (French), ES (Spanish)

Loading a file

Proceed as follows:

1 Connecting the USB flash drive

Plug in the USB flash drive with the 6.2151.100 adapter (USB
MINI (OTG) - USB A) at the instrument's USB port.

Switch on the instrument.

2 Opening the update dialog

Under Menu

System Diagnosis, select the menu item

Software update.

Press [OK].